Enough whining. On to the knitting content. To add a square to the left side of the blanket, just start by picking up the stitches like you normally do, but when you get half of them done, you need to cast on the other half onto your needle. I use a provisional cast on so the stitches are still "live" to make it easier to finish the blanket, if I ever get to that point. There is a great tutorial on how to do a provisional cast on here on the Knitty website. Once you have the total number of stitches you are using for your squares, between pick-ups and cast-ons, just work it like a regular square. It'll be a bit flippy-floppy until you get a couple of rows done, but soon it will look great.
Here's a picture. You pick up the stitches where the yellow "P" is, and then cast on enough to fill out your square, where the pink "C" is.
On the right side of the blanket, just do the opposite. First cast on half of the stitches you need, then pick of the other half, onto the same needle, and work like it is a regular square. Here's a picture of the right side:
Knitting Mama, I hope you're having a great time at the Harlot thing. Post some pictures for us poor sods who can't attend. I'm going to go get some lickey-face kisses now.
do you need any sock yarn scraps? i have a ton that i don't know what to do with!
Thanks for the tutorial. I'm going to print it out, and re-read it again to make sure I understand it 100%. If I have any further questions, I'll be sure to ask!
Thanks again!
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