Here she is again in the sunflowers, with Joey looking on from the background. Some cat. He won't even keep the chicken out of the flowers.
This is a view of the garden after I put in strings for the pole lima beans to climb up, up to the sky and produce lots and lots of beans. They're pretty scrawny looking right now. I have my doubts about this crop. Oh well, there's always the Green Giant.
And here is a view of this week's dog-food. Yummm. I have the making of Mable's Meat Loaf down to a science. (For the recipe, look at the sidebar of the blog- it's near the top. I'm too tired to do the linking-thing tonight.) Anyway, I make up about a dozen batches of the dry ingredients and keep them in ziploc bags until the day of the meatloaf making. During the week I'll cook a pot of beans in the slow-cooker, and then puree and freeze them, 2 cups per bag. Another night I'll cook up 6 pounds of frozen veggies, puree and freeze them, also 2 cups per bag. Then for the big day, I'll cook up the rice, thaw the veggies and beans, and add catsup, worcestershire sauce and eggs, and my sister S will weigh out the proper amount of meat (eeewwww, I hate touching meat!) and mix it up with the wet and dry ingredients. We make three batches, which makes six meatloaves. This will keep the dogs in dog-food-heaven for nine days.
Man, does that oven need to be cleaned. Another day. I'm going to bed now. The Benadryl I took for my poison ivy is kicking in.
Ducky and Joey are perfectly acceptable substitutes for the blankie and heeding the call of the garden on a beautiful weekend is more than acceptable!
At first glance, I thought you had chocolate cakes by the mass in your oven.. LOL... mmmmm chocolate cake.... (can you say Pmsing?)!
Hey, thanks for the comment. Like your blog, too, and I really want to try the meatloaf recipe for my dogs! I quit giving them canned food about a month ago and they miss it. This sounds like something they would love!
Please post picture of the sunflowers when they're in bloom. I'm planting some this weekend and can't wait to see them.
Love the meatloaf recipe. I'm going to make it for my dog. We're trying to avoid the store-bought stuff after the recent recalls.
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