Yes, another week has come and gone, and I only completed 5 squares. Ah well, there's always next week. Here's a picture of it with a yardstick at the bottom for scale. I'm wondering if it should be wider...
Look what came in the mail today! I correctly guessed the type of tree that Criquette pictured in her blog, and was randomly chosen to receive these goodies. Lovely sock yarn, a cool sheep magnet which is already on the fridge, and some Crystal Lite mix-ins. Cool! I love their lemonade, and am anxious to try these new (to me) flavors. Thanks Criquette!

Funny coincidence, I had just come back from mailing a couple of packages at the post office. One to Knitting Mama for winning the We Want Clear Crocs drawing, and one to my super secret pal for Mother's Day.
On another note (forgive the pun), look what was on my car's windshield when I came out of the store at lunchtime:

In case you can't see it, it says "Nobody can miss this orange car!!!" I immediately thought of my parents and looked around the parking lot, then remembered that they were going out of the state today. I then called my sister S who was still in the store (we met in there at lunchtime) and she swore it wasn't her. It couldn't have been...I arrived after she did, and left before she did. I told S to look around the store to see if anyone I know was in there and laughing their heads off. No luck.
Then I thought....OMG, What if it was a total stranger and they hate my car and they hate the color so much that they had to leave a note on my windshield just to let me know it is the most ugly thing in the world. I slinked into the car and drove off at a high (though safe) speed. When I got back to work I showed the note to Bev, and she thought it was hilarious. I was ready to trade in my brand new car. Then Bev said... "Hey, that looks an awful lot like your boss' handwriting." My boss, who knows I'm a little sensitive about the color of the car, enjoys pranks, does not work on Fridays, and is known to frequent this store for birdseed and cat food on her days off. Hmmmm. She got me. I've got to think of something REALLY GOOD to get her back. Any suggestions? I'm open to just about anything.
I love the color of your car. If I could have gotten my acura EL in that color I would have!!
Getting your boss back? That's a hard one, since I don't know her, but I'll see if I can think of anything.
Hmmm... leave a note on her car saying "that's a funny orange, what shade is it?"
(I can't tell, is that funny at all?)
Glad the package arrived safely. I love the Great Pumpkin - your boss is probably jealous. I used to have a flaming tangerine orange Toyota truck and would get honked and waved at a lot. I think the color just made people happy!
I'm adding you to my blogroll on my sidebar of my blog - please add me to yours!
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