Remember my niece's little lambykins from
this post? Here is a picture of Olivia with her twins that were born a little over a week ago. Look how they have grown!

Olivia is a real cookie hound! In this picture she has just knocked over one of those big containers of animal crackers that you can buy at a wholesale club.

Olivia loves them! That's actually what I give Emma, Tara and Cooper as treats instead of doggie treats. They love 'em, too. If you look closely at that picture, you can see Mellie in the "momma and baby" pen with the heat lamp. You know what that means, right?
Mellie is a new momma! Here she is with her new little boy!

Well, he's not really little. He's a big, black boy, and momma and baby are doing fine. He is so big that none of the baby coats I made fit him. I had to make some bigger ones! (Poor Mellie...ugh!) No names yet for any of the new additions, but I'm just as proud as an Auntie can be!
In other news...Tara went from this fluffy-with-perpetually-bad-hair-days puppy... this sleek, svelte little beauty!

Well, maybe sleek and svelte don't accurately describe her. Especially since I did her haircut myself with a pair of scissors, but she really doesn't like the sound of clippers, so scissors are less traumatic for her. Oh well...she thinks she's pretty, and she will be a lot cooler, and that's all that matters!
Tara looks more liver and less red with her cut, or is it just the lighting?
Tara looks lovely and much more comfortable with her new do.
I love seeing the lambs in their little coats. How cute.
She's still a beauty. Look at that face!
Lambs are sooo cute.
Nice cut Tara!
The lambs are adorable!
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