My plan was working up until last week when various family members started to go nuts-o."Get rid of that car!" "It's not safe!" "You'll die in a fiery crash!" Blah, blah, blah... I love my Prius and won't consider trading it in, so what is the alternative? Park it in the backyard and wait for Toyota to find out what's going wrong? Fine, then how am I going to get to work? Oh, I know, buy another vehicle, right? WRONG! Unless you are a millionaire, and I am not, that's just a one-way ticket to crazy-town!
So, on Saturday as I was heading off to work, my sister said she was going to go out looking at used vehicles to buy to replace my Prius, so I had her call the most level-headed man I know. Dad! He will be the voice of reason, and make my sister see the absurdity of her half-baked plan. Right?
He jumped on board the train to crazy-town.
Look what I found when I got home from work tonight:

Dude. *stunned-with-mouth-agape icon*
What your family has done is a wonderful expression of how much they care about you. Of course, the number of cars that have had problems, even though they were really bad problems with, in some cases, tragic endings, have happened to a very small percentage of Toyota's that are on the road. Still, this isn't a problem to be taken lightly. My husband, who races cars, tells me that the thing to do is stay calm and put the car into neutral. The motor will still keep going crazy but it will no longer reach the wheels and the car will slow down and coast to a stop. Since the engine is still running even though it is disengaged, you should also still be able to steer and use the brakes.
Giggle. Now, get a campershell...
We're still considering replacing the Lexus with its current-model edition. There's great advice in the comment above, and ANY vehicle can suddenly have serious issues.
I have never been able to get past the "toy" in Toyota and I'm now glad... hee hee
Enjoy the new wheels!
I love the truck. Awesome and fun!
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