This week's
Dogs on Thursday post is brought to you by the good people at
Carlson Pet Products. They are the geniuses who manufacture this wonderful invention:

An extra tall pet gate! Sweet! Fifteen minutes or so to set up, level and install that baby, and I can now fix meals, mix up dog food, and load the dishwasher without the
annoyance, err, assistance of Cooper. It's one thing when Tara helps with the dishes, gently and politely doing her pre-rinse cycle. Not Cooper. He flings himself at the open dishwasher, jumps on the door, and tries to fit his whole body inside the the thing. Sometimes he succeeds. No more! I can also fix meals without having to balance every ingredient in my hands or guard the counters for fear that Mr. Cooper McStretchy Legs will reach up and help himself. I feel so liberated!
Cooper, however, is not such a happy camper.

Cooper says, "Can someone bake me a cake with a file in it?"
oh...that face on the gate is priceless! I wish I could manage to have something like that for my kitchen while I'm out! That way we would have to buy less loaves of bread. :)
Enjoy your new space!! :)
lolololol, Poor Cooper, would you like it to be a liver cake? Your momma can get the recipe over here:
Right Hand side clear at the bottom, I think I am going to try it for mine this weekend. :)
Poor Cooper. He looks so sad.
Do you have a picture of him squeezed into the dishwasher? I'd love to see that. My guys haven't tried getting in it, yet.
aww..poor 'ol Cooper! *Our* peepulz putted up a babygate on da porch, so we's cant go run to chase the squerilz ors the kitties ors NOTTIN' ...we feelz for ya, Coop! Hang in there, buddy...
Dolby & Murphy (Mo's 2 hounds)
I can't believe you resist that sad pout... ;)
What a great idea. It would keep Ginger out of our "face" when we ate dinner. Is that a cat door in the gate? If so, what another great idea.
Poor Cooper. He looks like a little jail bird. I know how you feel. My 3 are always at my heals.
Love your little Bessie, she's adorable.
Happy DOT day
Love Claudie
Too funny! I hope they get out of lock-up soon!
Oh how can you deny that sweet face? Send my address - I'll send him a file. Does he have thumbs? That could present a problem. g
What a pathetic look! I'm a softie--I'd spring him.
Wilbur and Charlotte send their sympathy and best wishes for a file your way Cooper. what a sad looking puppy.
Poor poor Cooper!
I need a gate like that one at the bottom of my stairs to keep Beau from escaping into my kitchen.
Well gee, now you've taken the challenge out of all things in the kitchen??? LOL
Maybe you should play them some Elvis while they're in the pokey - "Jailhouse Rock" and "Hound Dog" for starters.
Awww....looks like Cooper has surrendered. However, I do think that DOT needs a pic of Cooper in the dishwasher!! Maybe, let him in for a photo shoot???
Hahahha perfect solution, however, I too would like to see Cooper's dishwashing technique just once :)
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