Phase 1: Cooper makes his initial assessment of the offerings. Naturally, he has to have his front feet on the door so that he can do a proper survey. Tara politely waits, and licks her lips.

Phase 3: Cooper is in frenzy mode, afraid that his human jailers will come along any minute and spoil his fun. He wedges his upper body into the space between the racks so he can reach the items at the very back of the dishwasher. Tara politely works on the utensils in the silverware basket.

This results in Phase 4, when Cooper gets his head stuck between a large item in the bottom rack (like a colander) and the top rack, so that when he is eventually pulled out, he brings the top rack with him. Tara likes this part, as she is then able to reach more bowls in the top rack. I was unable to capture Phase 4 on film, as it also involves the dishwasher door making ominous groaning noises and me pulling on Cooper from behind, saying "Cooper, No! Cooper, No!"
So there you have it, Cooper misbehaving. Be assured that everyone got treats after this incident!
TOOO Funny.
You won't have to run the dishwasher! Yay for energy saving dogs!
Dianne, that is priceless. What funny pictures. Now I completely understand the new gate. Give Cooper a big hug for me and tell him he can be an honorary Portuguese Water Dog.
Teeheeheeeeee... Just beware... The Knight thinks Sissy "sprung" the seal on our dishwasher by standing on it...
OH WHAT A HOOT!!! Love the pics! Cooper is such a nut isn't he. I bet he would get in completely if he could smush himself enough to do so. :)
So I guess calling Cooper "food motivated" would be an understatement? :)
wow, these are great shots. The dogs are funny.
Thanks for stopping by my internet place and thanks for the encouragement.
OMGosh!! That is too, TOO funny!
Thanks for sharin' that...have a great week!
Those are some of the funnier pictures I've ever seen!
My DH and I were both ROFLOL!
LOLOLOLOLOLOLO, oh my gracious, way too funny! Thanks for my laugh of the day!!!
OMG. These are the cutest pictures. I have never seen a dog do this before. I'm just giggling like mad over here.
Ewww!!! Guess the threat of doggie jail has only made the dishwasher booty that much sweeter :) I love the ones where Cooper has *all* four feet on the door, lol.
This incident WAS the treat!
Your pictures made my day, they're hilarious! Thanks so much for letting your darlings get away with the dishwasher antics just one more time for us. I keep hoping if I ask enough times, Jim will agree we should get a dog. Now I can argue that they'll help with the dishes, he can't say no!
Heeheeheeee! Cooper is the funniest dog in Blogland!
He may also be the "greenest", too - he's your eco-friendly pre-wash cycle!
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