How about this?

That's one of the garden chairs by the garage. I didn't have a ruler handy, so do you see that blue thing sticking out of the snow? Anyone recognize it?

Yup - my needle sizer/gauge calculator thingy. More than 6 inches of snow - definitely more than a "nuisance"!
The good part of it is that at work on Monday I had emailed a bunch of files to myself so that I could work on them at home on Tuesday because they were talking about icky weather on Tuesday. Did we get it? Nope. How about on Wednesday when they said it would be fine...was it? Nope. I think my left pinkie toe could do a better job of forecasting the weather! They all sound so positive when they're making their predictions, too. I wish, just once, one of the meteorologists would say "You know, we just don't have a clue what is going to happen tomorrow. Could be rain, could be snow, could be a freakin' tornado for all we know. It's all a crap shoot, so good luck out there. "
OK, my rant is over, and I feel much better now. I know anyone stopping by here on Thursdays is looking for dog pictures, so here you go. I must have taken about 20 pictures of the dogs playing in the snow, and this is the only one that came out.

That's Emma doing one of her many circuits of the yard. Silly girl! After much running and playing, they were all tired enough that, miracle of miracles, I was able to get all three of them in a picture without resorting to bribery (a.k.a. multitudes of treats).
Yes, they are big fat liars! We don't have any new snow but the frigid temps have caused another 2 hour delay for school. At this rate the kids will be in school until June.
They do look ready to go inside.
Eli says that cooper looks sad. Is he sad??
Love it! That's what I want for my girls... more than a nuisance, but not a ton.
He also wants to know how you get them to stand there.
It looks like the dogs enjoyed the snow, even if you preferred balmy breezes. Hope it melts quickly, except you know what that means...mud.
They look like the love the snow. I hope Ginger can experience snow one day.
Looks like they all had tremendous fun with the snow!The darker one however looks like they have had enough it and saying come on already let me back in the house!
Happy DOT's, from Honey Dew and Sampson!
Can you imagine how much you would have gotten if they predicted a lot of snow?! The pups seem to be enjoying the snow though. Such cuties!!
Brr!! We're so ready for SPRING!
Is that Cooper on the right? that dog looks mad to be standing still. Love the photo of Emma running - something about the snow energizes them, no?
And you are so right about the weather forcast. Why not just say - hey, wanna know what the weather is? Look outside! g
How cute!! the last pic is great!!!
LOL - love the pic of the 3 of them... 1 sticking out a tongue and 1 giving "the look" - priceless!
Those dogs are so freaking cute!!!
I have given you a Gracie's Golden Blogger Award...come on over and check it out.
Our pups love the snow, too. or at least, they loved the snow last year. We haven't had any to speak of this year, so I'm jealous of your 6".
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