Monday, February 11, 2008

A Contest and a KAL

First things first: A Contest!

I've been a long-time fan of Nancy's blog: Days Go By, and want to spread the word about a contest she is having to celebrate her 300th post. Go on over to this post and see how you can enter, too. There are multiple ways to enter, one of which is to "share your favorite tip or trick you've learned to make something about knitting/crocheting easier." That's easy. The best thing I have come across are coil-less safety pins. (Make sure they are coil-less ones, because the traditional ones with coils get snagged in your knitting, forcing you to emit a stream of expletives.) You can buy small ones from yarn sites on the internet, or large ones from major craft stores in the "jewelry findings" aisle. I use the small ones as stitch markers or row counters, and I use the large ones as stitch holders. I'd show you some pictures, but my camera is broken. Did I mention that my camera is broken? Yep, broken. Very sad. Oh well...I can't think about that today...I'll think about that tomorrow.

Second things, well...second, I guess: A KAL

I read on Nichole's blog that she is joining a Clapotis Knit-a-long. I've had that pattern on my "must-do-someday" list for a long time now, and this is just the thing the force me to cast-on and give it a try. I know that just about everybody else in knitting blog land has already made it, but if you haven't, or if you want to make another, click on over to the Clapotis KAL site and join. I did!


Lapdog Creations said...

Clapotis virgins unite! :)

Donna said...

First I heard of Clapotis and will invetigate-is it contagious?

Thanks for the pin tip and the contest link.

Jennifer Lori said...

Donna- Clapotis are very contagious! :)

I've knit 1.5 but the first should count as 2 'cus it became a huge, snuggly shawl.

Enjoy knitting yours, Dianne! Do you have a great yarn picked out?

Jennifer Lori said...

I can't find your email, but if you can send me an email directly I can send you some good clapotis help I found online.

Jennifer Lori said...

I can't find your email, but if you can send me an email directly I can send you some good clapotis help I found online.