I'm here at home waiting for 10:30 am to roll around so I can go and get blood drawn and then come back and have a freakin' cup of coffee. When you have to fast before an appointment to get blood drawn, there is no way that "fasting" should include "no coffee." That's just cruel and unusual punishment. If I'm a little crabby in this post, that's the reason why. I'm on caffeine withdrawal. Anyway, it's been so long since I sat down to read blogs, or write a substantive post, that I'm ashamed of myself. "Life" has somehow gotten in the way.
You know that old question "If a tree falls in the woods with no one around to hear it, does it still make a sound?" Well, if I cast on, knit, finish, and give away a project without taking a picture for the blog, does it still count as a completed project? I cast on & finished a pair of fingerless glove things for my niece, and gave them to her without taking a picture for the blog. Oh, well. I say they still count. My blog, my rules!
I've been furiously knitting these socks, for the
same niece:

I had hoped to get them done my tomorrow, as she is coming home for Thanksgiving, but there's just no way. She is loving her job at the cat sanctuary, but more on that later.
I cast on for another
alphabet blanket for a very dear friend. Actually, it's for her daughter, who is expecting a baby. For some reason, I was positive it was a boy, so I bought a lovely turquoise blue and got right to work on the blanket.
I guess I dreamed the "it's a boy" part in my head. They actually don't know the gender of the baby yet, so the blanket is on hold for now. Luckily, my friend Pat needed to fill out an order to Knitpicks to qualify for free shipping, so being the *martyr* that I am, I just had to help her out, and I bought more yarn in case the baby is really a girl. The colors are a little vibrant in this photo.

Speaking of Pat, she is no longer "blogless Pat", she is now (drumroll, please...)
Patty Ann, Quilter & Knitter! Go check out her blog, and keep watching for her beautiful creations.
Back to my niece Jenny. She started working at Tabby's Place a few weeks ago, and it is really a perfect fit for her. She said that one of her favorite cats is featured on their website right now - his name is Ringo. Go click on his picture - he looks like such a sweetie pie! If you are considering getting a cat, they always have a wide selection available for adoption. All ages, colors, and even some special needs cats, if you are up for a challenge!
If dogs are more your thing, go on over to Nichole's blog. She is an awesome doggy mom, and generally has a foster dog staying with them. Right now, it is the lovely Sophie. Nichole is having a contest that I first posted about here. The rules are on this page. Hurry - the deadline is November 30th!
Ok, off to get a cup of coffee now. Crap, it's still an hour and a half until I can have coffee. Crap, crap, crap.
The last time I had to fast for a blood draw I wasn't even supposed to drink water! (Although I could have "little sips".)
I hope all is well and that you finally got your coffee. The project definitely counts even if we don't see it! You have been a busy girl. They all look great. Have a great Thanksgiving.
It's 11:05...how many coffees have you had yet? :)
Another Alphabet Blankie? Wow- you're a good friend! Why can't you use the teal for a girl too?
Happy Thanksgiving! I hope you've gotten some coffee by now. I love the colors you've picked for the baby blankie - either way that is one lucky baby!
Post away: http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c19/TheraHuni/
Also, Ringo is TOO cute because he's a little neurological so his back end wiggles when he walks. He is a diabetic, though he does not need insulin injections
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