And now, because no post is complete without a gratuitous fur-baby picture, I give you......

Emma and Tara in the back seat of the car en route to a yarn shop after checking out! (How's that for a segue?)
Knit on, with confidence and hope, through all crises
Elizabeth Zimmerman
When I got to work this morning, look what I found! Just in time for this week's Dogs on Thursday post. Is she just the sweetest little thing? She is 10 weeks old, and belongs to Stephanie in our Accounting Department. I know I'll never buy another puppy with so many dogs that need homes, but it doesn't stop me from going absolutely "ga-ga" over puppy breath and puppy teeth and puppy bellies. Did you ever notice that a puppy's belly is just begging to be kissed?
Look at her sweet little face. She fell asleep while I was holding her. Oh, I'm getting that "I need a puppy" feeling, but I will resist. I MUST resist.
Ooohhh, the little cutie pie is winking at me.
Quick, switch to pictures of Emma and Tara!
Ahhh, my little Emma....
Back to my niece Jenny. She started working at Tabby's Place a few weeks ago, and it is really a perfect fit for her. She said that one of her favorite cats is featured on their website right now - his name is Ringo. Go click on his picture - he looks like such a sweetie pie! If you are considering getting a cat, they always have a wide selection available for adoption. All ages, colors, and even some special needs cats, if you are up for a challenge!
If dogs are more your thing, go on over to Nichole's blog. She is an awesome doggy mom, and generally has a foster dog staying with them. Right now, it is the lovely Sophie. Nichole is having a contest that I first posted about here. The rules are on this page. Hurry - the deadline is November 30th!
Ok, off to get a cup of coffee now. Crap, it's still an hour and a half until I can have coffee. Crap, crap, crap.
Emma: "Hey, Tara, Mommy's Home! Aaaa-Chooo! "
Emma: "Hooray! Mommy's Home!"
Tara: "Yes, I see mommy's home. Welcome home mommy. Please let me out into the backyard so I can get away from Emma. She is sneezing on me."
The yarn is Paton's Soy Wool Stripes from my Secret Pal (thanks SP!) and the pattern was found on Ravelry. The model was patient, to a point, then just wanted to get the "photo shoot" over with and get paid. In treats, of course!