Lookie what arrived in the mail today!

I won this cute zipper bag from
Chan's Big Blessed Bash. Isn't it adorable? It was made by
Piddleloop and it's the perfect size to hold some knitting notions to keep them from getting tangled up in my project bags. Much classier than my usual ziploc bag, too. Thanks Chan!
Speaking of knitting, I finished a couple of projects this week, but can't post them here yet. Soon, so keep watching...
Now for the newest resident of Britknitterville. It's not a Brittany. It's not even a dog. It's a cat, but not just any cat.
Remember little Olive who wandered into our garage a few months ago?

My niece Jen took her as a temporary measure. She has been socializing Olive, took her to the vet for shots & spaying, and has been trying to find her a loving home. No luck yet. Since Jen already has something like a bazillion cats, and has lots of company coming this week for Thanksgiving, she can't keep Olive any longer. So, Jen lent us a huge cat cage, and Olive is settling in nicely.

The plan is for Olive to patiently wait in the cage while the dogs get used to her. Eventually the dogs will grow to love their new little sister, and Olive will be able to leave the cage and everyone will enjoy a long and happy life together.

It's only been three hours, but I think it's going well. Cooper is barking incessantly, Tara is howling like a beagle, and Emma just stands "on point", trembling and licking her lips while staring at Olive. How much longer can this go on? I've got to go and look for any Percoset left over from my back surgery.
Anybody want a kitty?
Oh boy, I remember a weekend like that once. I wound up locking the cat in the bathroom, opening a bottle of wine and turning music up loud to drown out the cat yowling and the dog whining at the bathroom door.
I wound up giving the cat to a friend.
I can only imagine. Good luck with that.
Aren't Jen's bags wonderful!?
That last picture is precious...
I wonder....do they want to play or is Olive prey???
Ooh, what a cute bag. Chan finds the nicest things!
That poor kitty with all those doggies!!
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