Look at this sweet face. Who would believe that this innocent little creature who can't weigh more than a couple of pounds could turn the whole household upside down.

Little Olive is really a sweetie, and I'm sure that Cooper and Tara would accept her, eventually, but Emma is another story. Emma decided that Olive would be HER baby, and that no one else could go near the cage. Emma turned on Tara and Cooper, and at various points was snarling warnings and raising her hackles at them. When Emma attacked Cooper's haunches and had Tara by the neck, we decided this was not going to work. Olive went back to my niece.

Touching good-bye scene? I think not. While the humans were fighting back tears, the dogs just had their eyes on the prize...
Hmmmm... But Emma's look isn't maternal in that last photo... What plans did she have for Olive, or was it just a matter of possession/dominance?
I'm sure this upset you, and I'm so sorry. After living with two very sweet boy-dogs who were often jerks to each other, I think I have an idea of how you must feel...
That is so odd. I've never heard of a dog being so possessive of a cat. I'm sorry you couldn't keep olive.
Interesting to see Emma turn like that on her own pack... even if she did think she was mothering the baby, one would think she'd find her pack "safe." hhmm.
I am so sorry to hear that things did not work out for Olive.
Dogs are a mystery.
Nothing like dog misbehavin' to keep us guessing. So sorry about Olive!
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