Not that it's a real vacation vacation. So far we have spent a couple of mornings covering up some old fake tile in the bathroom with wainscoting. I say "fake" tile, because the floor and up to about 4' on the walls is concrete that they scored to give it a tile-like look. Ugh. This is the bathroom in the old part of the house, circa 1915. I guess that was the thing to do back then? Who knows? If we ever get a tornado in southern New Jersey, we're safe. That bathroom is like a concrete bunker.
We've also had to have the repair man out to fix the door on the dishwasher earlier this week. Somehow, the door broke, and when you would go to open the dishwasher, you had to brace yourself so the door didn't rip your arm right out of its socket. Luckily, it was still under warranty. Still, I wish I knew how the door broke. Hey, wait, you don't think it could have been this?

Anyway, today we are going out to Lancaster County, PA with mom and dad, so I'm posting this Dogs on Thursday post extra early in the morning. Since it is almost August, you know what that means... Time for the dogs to choose another Brown Bag Sock Yarn! Yippee! You can see how excited they are about it from this video:
Maybe they're not really all that excited. How hard is it to show a little enthusiasm? Seriously, I don't ask much from these dogs, the least they can do is pick some darn sock yarn once a month!
Just kidding! The love they give me every day is more than I could ever ask for, and certainly more than I deserve.
FYI, here is August's sock yarn.

Love it!