Sunday, March 22, 2009

Short on text but lots of photos.

It must be the sleep deprivation, because there cannot be a lamb in my living room.And if there was a lamb in my living room, it certainly wouldn't be wearing a diaper.

Nope, not on the furniture, either.

Or taunting the dogs through the glass doors.

It's just not possible. Before you get excited, no, it's not my lamb. Her name is Sosi, and she belongs to Nanny G who comes to the house at lunchtime and lets the dogs out three days a week. Sosi lives in the house and gets along great with dogs, cats and kids. Nanny G insisted that Emma, Tara and Cooper not eat Sosi, so we let them into the house and sure enough...
...the dogs love Sosi! I think I need a lamb.

That's it for now, as I am headed back up to the hospital. Thanks for the good wishes for Mom - she is doing much better, they even took her off IV fluids, and will hopefully come home tomorrow.


Anonymous said...

That is too funny! A lamb in the house - just in time for Easter :)
I'm glad to read your mom is feeling better too!

Stephanie said...

Umm - does the diaper really work?

Glad your Mom is feeling better!!

Sonya said...

That is a very cool house guest. I want one!

YawnOver said...

So, so cute! I love the pic with all the little animals together :) Inside your house. Too funny!

SissySees said...

How cute is that?! I want to scrunch my hand in her fur... er, fleece. (his?)

Natalie Rush said...

That is too darn cute!! How can you resist!

Lapdog Creations said...

OMG - how stinking CUTE!!!!!!!