First, the boring stuff - knitting. This is the
Hearts and Stars Blanket from the book "Adorable Knits for Tots" by Zoe Mellor. (Ravelry link) It was an easy knit, but you have to keep referring to the chart for almost every row, so not a "mindless" knit. It's for a woman at work who is having her first baby--due next month.

A detail shot:

And a pair of socks. This was the first time I used this pattern, and I think I'm in love! The pattern is
Charade by Sandra Park of the "I May Be Knitting A Ranch House" blog. (Another Ravelry link...if you're not already on
Ravelry, what's keeping you?)

It's just a two row repeat, so it definitely qualifies as a mindless knit. For this pair, I went by the instructions as written, but I'll made a few modifications next time. When will that be? I already have two more socks in this pattern on the needles! Love this pattern---really, really love it!
Now, for everyone who hung in there through talk of baby blankets and socks, Here are some pictures of Mom and Dad's new kitty, Miss Bessie. It's been a long time since there has been a kitten in the family, and you forget how adorable they are, and how much energy they have!
Case in point - do you see that barrier in this picture?

Dad made that so that Bessie would be confined to the kitchen until she learned how to use the litter pan. Yes, I know that cats automatically just know where they should do their business, but try telling Dad... He wanted to make extra certain that she would know where she was supposed to attend to any and all bodily functions, so he even put her name on the litter box.

Gotta love him, right? Anyway, Dad made a very nice barrier to span the extra-long doorway, and even put a nifty handle on it to make it easier to move around. It's, I don't know, a foot tall? Maybe 18 inches? I tried to gently suggest that perhaps an energetic kitten might not be confined by this barrier. I might have gone so far as to say "there ain't no freakin' way" and rolled on the floor laughing. Sure enough, the next day Bessie was over that thing like it wasn't even there.

Bessie says "Daddy, next time try to make something a little more challenging for me to climb."