You can probably just make out the goose in this picture, but apparently this silly girl likes her eggs high...really, really high.

She was spotted yesterday on the roof of the museum where I work, and she was there again this morning. Of course, I didn't have my camera, and the photos with my cell phone came out like crap. Fortunately, today was one of my days to go home at lunchtime to let the dogs out, so I grabbed my camera and brought it back to work, hoping that Goosey Girl would still be on the roof this afternoon.

I was in luck! So, in the interest of sharing this with all of my bloggy friends, my co-workers and I trudged up onto the roof of the museum to get some better photos.
Here she is on her nest. Fortunately the Daddy goose was nowhere to be found. (I had visions of him chasing us off the roof, and it wasn't pretty!)

Silly girl. Sixty-some acres here, and she has to choose what has got to be the most inhospitable spot to build her nest. What is she going to do when those babies hatch? That's like a 20 foot drop. Sheesh! Watch that first step - it's a doozey!

Speaking of eggs, remember these eggs that the neighbor's chickens have thoughtfully deposited in the wagon in the garage?

Guess who is helping to incubate them...Joseph!

What a weird cat.

I can see him showing some interest in the eggs after they are hatched, or more accurately the fluffy, feathery, cheeping,
contents of the eggs, but before? Just when you think you've seen it all...
What an odd place for a nest with all those trees around.
I'd be suspicious of the cat......
Giggle... Great nesting stories today.
I agree with Chan... great stories! I can picture you out there catching baby geese as they fall off the roof... just like those bankers do in the city with the ducks that past couple years (you've seen it on the news, right? NYC I think)....
*snicker* I noticed some geese on the roof of the hospital once. When I pointed them out to the other folks walking through, one lady marvelled, "Well, how'd they get up THERE?"
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