Well, technically, I'm just chick-sitting for family members who are on vacation this week, but I'm choosing to ignore that fact right now. Just look at these little sweeties!

Three Rhode Island Reds and three Buff Orpingtons. You might ask how they are getting along with Emma, Tara and Cooper, since Brittanys are bird dogs, but the dogs are choosing to ignore the fact that there are chickens in the bathroom. I'm not taking any chances on the bathroom door being ripped from its hinges while I'm at work, so guess who is coming to work with their new mommy. Of course, every morning on the way to work I stop at mom and dad's house, so the chickies came along and met their new cousin, Bessie.

Then it was off to work, and I found a perfect little spot for the new chickies in a corner of the library.

Hey, who is that extra chicken in there? It's Babs! The wonderful and quirky Babs from the movie Chicken Run! Haven't seen the movie? Rent it today! It's fabulous!!! I leave you with a final video of the chickies meeting their new friend Babs. Enjoy!