Meet Cooper!

My sister was told that if you find a dog, notify the authorities, keep him for seven days and take him to the vet, that dog is yours. I don't know if it's law (probably not) or just common knowledge (or wishful thinking), but that's what I'm going by. Let's see, we talked to several SPCAs, an animal shelter, two municipal clerks, a police station, Tattoo-a-Pet (great people at tattoo-a-pet: they love animals, and the pet's interest is always their first priority) the breeder and the tattooer. That a whole lot of "authorities." He has already been to the vet, and seven days will be on Thursday. Hey - that's Dogs on Thursday day! Coincidence? I think not. It was meant to be!
At Cooper's Vee-Eee-Tee visit yesterday, Dr. Bill said it is likely he was hit by a car at some point - his right rear leg is crooked, causing him to walk with a limp, and his lower right canine tooth is broken off, almost to the gum-line. Neither seem to cause him any pain, thankfully. He drew blood for Heartworm, Lyme, and some other tests I don't remember now, and gave him his rabies and distemper/parvo cocktail of shots. Dr. Bill said he will, um, "take care of" Cooper's "bits and pieces" on Friday (along with taking a closer look at his leg at that time). Cooper's one amorous overture toward Emma was not well received, to say the least. After Friday, that will not be a problem. Right? Please someone tell me I am right!
I've never had a boy dog, and let me tell you they are a whole 'nother species altogether. I mean, just how many times do they have to pee on every tree, shrub, fencepost, whatever! Emma and Tara will daintily "relieve themselves" once, maybe twice, and then get on about their business. Not Cooper. It seems as though anointing every living (or non-living) thing in the yard is his business! Call me silly, but I giggle a little bit every time he lifts his leg. I don't know why, but that just cracks me up!
I know you are wondering why we are calling him "Cooper" when that wasn't ever on any lists of possible "Jane Austen" related names. Well, Wickham and Willoughby were out of the running right away-- cads, both of them. Wentworth is too much of a mouthful. He just isn't a Mr. Darcy, or a Colonel Brandon. He lacks the necessary dignity to carry off such names. Edward was a possibility, but then I knew he would get "Eddie", and that would always make me think of the little dog from Frazier. Bingley was by far the strongest contender, but mom hated it. She said, "Bingley - What's a Bingley?"
Still, where did Cooper come from? Lots of people have heard the acronym WWJD, but few are aware that one of its meanings is really "What Would Jane (Austen) Drive". If she drove...if they would have had cars. The answer to that, I'm sure, is a car that I just happen to lust after... a Mini Cooper! Can't you just see Jane Austen with a Mini Cooper?
Can't picture it?
How about now?

Cooper! Perfect!
Lol! Cooper is one lucky dog to have found you. He will proably never be a quick pee-er but after he gets "fixed" he will probably be less of a lover boy. Especially if you strongly advise him against it whenever he tries it.
People just suck... plain and simple... but lucky for Cooper, YOU found him..... and he will now lead a VERY happy, spoiled life!
And yes, boy dogs pee on everything... even after being altered.... they quite enjoy marking their territory... try having 2...
As for the other thing, Tut still tries to do it to Lola every now & then, but never gets it right anyway, so....
My sister says it stands for "Who Wants Jack Daniels?" Cooper looks like he knows what a lucky boy he is!
Male dogs have to mark their territory. If you can get him to mark the edges of the yard, it may help keep other dogs out as well as reminding him where his own boundaries are.
Cooper's finally found his home!great name! He looks so happy.
What a great day for me to finally catch up with your blog! What an adorable boy and how lucky is he? I'm partial to the name Cooper myself (one of my last foster pups)and he definitely looks the part. I about fell on the floor with laughter at Jane's new car.
Nic's already broken it to you... Boy dogs don't change. Your girls will teach him manners!
Cooper is very lucky to have found you! Congrats!
I will agree with all of the other ladies, he will pee on everything. He will need to hear what is inappropriate from you or the girls and learn that way. Not sure how long it takes for him to be completely sterile.
Because he is being neutered late he will have more of a tendency to mark and will notice the girls more so than dogs that were fixed early.
Oy he's adorable! I hope you get to keep him.
Great name. I think Jane would definitely drive a mini cooper (I would too if I could afford one!) The girls will come to love him and they'll all be inseparable after awhile.
I am totally ROFL! I read your post aloud to Gracie and Lehu. Cooper is a GREAT name.
I hope his surgery is "successful."
Oh that is a "meant to be" event!
Cooper is one lucky dog!
Oh hey, speaking of Dogs on Thursday, can we do a doggie spotlight on Cooper for Dogs on Thursday?
P.S. I totally agree with you that if Jane Austen were alive today she would drive a mini cooper!
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