I was so anxious to cast on something that on February 29th, I took this basket of sock yarn and three sets of needles to bed with me. Not only could I cast on a pair of socks at the stroke of midnight, but if there had been an intruder in the house, I could have poked his eyes out with sock needles! Forgive the messy nightstand, and take note of the time on the clock. 10:05 pm...less than two hours to go...

I briefly thought about staying up until midnight just to get another picture of the clock with just a few stitches on a needle, but zonked out instead. Fortunately, Tara needed to do a wee-wee at 4:45am, so after taking Tara and Emma outside, giving them their obligatory cookies, and crawling back under the warm covers, I cast on this much...

...and promptly went back to sleep.
Over the weekend, this is how much I got done on this particular sock:

I cast on for another sock, but didn't get very far...

...because most of my knitting time this weekend was spent on this:

It doesn't look like much now, but it's my very first
Clapotis! Last month I joined a
Clapotis KAL, but waited to cast on until the hateful "February is for Finishing" was over. Well, it's over, and I'm off to a running start.
What else is over? My pity party. Thanks for indulging me. At least it's
mostly over...until I find out how much my incredible stupidity is going to cost me. Ugh.
I'd like to commend you on your Feb is for Finishing...I'm impressed.
Hope things start working out okay for you :)
Way to go! And I'm glad that the Feb is for finishing pressure is over. I love your sock yarn blanket. I am going to start one with my leftovers. I used to give the leftover yarn to the sock recipient in case there was ever a need for repair but not I am keeping them. I, too, like that I can name each pair of socks and who got them.
LMAO... you super caster-onner! :) I had a semi productive knitting weekend - finished my Fetching coffee cozy (to match my Fetching mitts), finished my "secret project," cast on a new pair of socks, got 6 skeins of yarn wound and was about to cast on felted slippers when I realized I don't have size 11 DPNs and will have to buy some this week... lol
Wow... now that's knitting addiction. Waking up to take the dogs out and casting on in the wee hours? I'm impressed! :)
Love the new socks - what kind of yarn is the first pair being made from? The clapotis looks like it's going to be gorgeous - can't wait to see it!
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