Where could Ducky be? She always comes running when you call her. (She's better than Emma and Tara in that regard!) Where is that chicken? In the chicken coop? No. In the garage? No. In the garden? No.
Hmmmm, there's her new little friend, Napoleon, and they have been inseparable for a couple of weeks now.
Remember this post from last weekend? Napoleon belongs to a neighbor on the other side of the woods at the back on the property. Napoleon is Ducky's
platonic friend. No hanky panky going on here. He has been a perfect gentleman, and Ducky is a perfect lady.

Why is Napoleon (my name for him - I have no idea what his real name is) hanging around that igloo dog house that my sister bought for the stray cats. Not for Joseph, of course. Joseph has his heated bed in the garage, but Tigger and Joanie are welcome to use the igloo to get out of the weather if they choose. There's fresh hay in there for them to make a little nest and just chill out.
But I digress. Where is Ducky? Is there some hay spilling out of the front of the igloo? Better go and see if one of the cats is in there and if they would like some food... Hey, what's Ducky doing in there?

Ducky, come out of there. You have your own chicken coop. Come out and enjoy the sunshine. You don't like being cooped up during the day. You usually enjoy wandering around and...and spending time with Napoleon. Ducky, why are you still sitting there? Why does it look like you have made a nest? Ducky, young lady, come out here right now!

That's it, Ducky. Come on out here. Ducky, are those eggs I see? Ducky, what have you been up to? Ducky, do not tell me that those are your eggs.

TEN EGGS??? Ducky, Ducky, Ducky. In two weeks you will be eleven years old. I thought the time where I had to worry about this kind of thing happening was long past. Loooong past. Just wait until I tell your Grammie and Grampa about this...
[An hour later...]
Ducky, here are your Grammie and Grampa. They are here to give you a lecture. Grammie, stop laughing. Grampa, stop congratulating Napoleon. Grammie stop that laughing, I said. This is no laughing matter! I've just been waiting for
this damn chicken to kick the bucket , ahem, for sweet Ducky to go to her eternal reward, so I could turn that chicken coop into a garden shed. If those eggs hatch, do you realize I will be starting all over again? Who knew chickens lived this long?

Napoleon, crowing and strutting around the yard is not helping matters any.

[sigh] Off to do a little reading. Lucky I still have this book that I bought...
11 years ago.
Who would have thought I would ever need it again?
Awww.. you're going to be a Grandma! :) I hope you photograph the hatching!
Awww! I'm totally hoping for chicks!!
Hee! Well, at least Ducky isn't lonely any more. ;)
Are they fertile? (Or breakfast?) You could always wait a year and then fill up your freezer with tasty pullets... yes, it's a hard world, and meat is tasty.
The Lion King song Circle of Life is running through my mind...and I don't know why...
LOL... That's so sweet, and funny! Can't wait to see how this progresses...
You took such good care of Ducky that she wanted a way to say "thanks"
Now you will have lots of tiny chicks running around. Hey I have an idea, we could help you name them all. :)
Awww too cute! And papa looks REALLY proud!!!!!
AAAAAWWWW! (The best part is the laughing grandparents.)
It looks like Ducky was saving it all up for a later-in-life family! Aaaww. That's amazing how her instincts just kicked in and she made her nest and went to it. Is she sitting on them well?
If I had my own place and was not renting I would offer to take a couple of baby chicks off of your hands... I'd love to have a couple of chickens.
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