This will be another quickie post, because the computer is in the old part of the house that is kept at 57 degrees in the winter. That's Fahrenheit, of course. I have no idea what that is in Celsius for my British and Canadian friends, and am too cold to go to Google to find a temperature converter. I know I could invest in a laptop someday and move it to the room that has heat, but I just can't stand typing on those tiny keyboards.
In knitting news, I finished up three pair of socks today so I could get them done in 2008. Really, all that was left was the kitchener stitch at the toes, so it took maybe a half hour to do that, plus weave in all the ends. Anyway, here they are:
Plain-old sock recipe #1 (from this post):

And here is a fun and quick knit. It's a Scrappy Hat from Folknits. 

Great for using up bits of leftover yarn, and it is oh, so warm. I wish I was wearing it right now.
I'll be adding all of these to my Ravelry project page, but not today. My fingers are so cold I can barely type. Gotta go and warm up by the pellet stove for now. Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year to everyone!