We are going to welcome some special guests to this week's edition of Dogs on Thursday. Here is a picture of my co-worker's dog, Isabella as seen on the blog in November of 2007. Little Bella was maybe 10 weeks old in that picture.

Awwwww! And here she is now. My, how she has grown. The sweet little girl had hip surgery two weeks ago, (see the stitches?) and she came to work with her mommy before the appointment to have the stitches removed. What a sweet little girl - I just love that smooshed face! I'm happy to report that she is doing very well. Luckily, her mom takes her to the same veterinarian that Emma, Tara and Cooper go to, and he is a miracle worker.

Our other two guests for Dogs on Thursday are really cats, but they don't know it. Tigger and Lizzie, two of the strays hanging around in the yard, also had a trip to the Vee-Eee-Tee scheduled for this week to get "fixed". Here they are...

Hmmm, don't see them in this picture? Neither do I. That's because Tigger got wind of the fact that he was going to get his hoo-hoos removed, and skipped town. Again. This was his third appointment. Oh, well. We're not giving up, though. Those hoo-hoos are coming off!
Lizzie was not so lucky. We managed to catch her (at 5:30 am on a very frosty morning), and stuff her into a cat carrier and drop her off at the clinic for the deed to be done. The thing is, she is not, and never was, a "she". Oooopsy! In our defence,
she he has long hair, and it's rude to go looking around in places that polite society doesn't normally, you know, look around in. There was some suspicion that
she he might not be a she, but no, umm,
conclusive evidence presented itself, so
she he remained a she until proven otherwise. I would have a picture of
her him after the surgery, but
she he took off like a shot out of a cannon as soon as I opened the door to the cat carrier. I was left there, like an idiot, with my camera in one hand, post surgical instructions in the other, calling out to Lizzie to "refrain from running or jumping" and "keep the wound clean".
Joseph says "I don't know what all the fuss is about. I had hoo-hoos once, and now I don't - see? No big deal."
SNOL!!!!! I had rabbits as a girl. Laura and Mary became Laura and Marvin when we realized Laura was "in a delicate condition."
Lizzie doesn't seem to lend itself to a boy's name, does it? Ozzie? Les?
Oh that is too funny! The picture of the cat. Hope the poor baby Pug continues to recover from his surgery. Gotta love the vet - they keep our babies alive :)
I also really admire that you have heat lamps and cushy beds for 'garage' cats. You rocks! g
Love the picture of Joseph.
LOL! Oh my that was a great post I loved the pug puppy and the cats with hoo hoo issues! LOL!
LOL Cute pictures! Happy DOT.
Loved the post!!!
I gave S some tips on how to get Tigger to get those hoo-hoos off him once and for all! Not sure they'll help, but they'll give you girls a better shot :)
Aw poor kities, but the one is beautiful! Reminds me of one we had a longgg time ago.
Prayers out the pug, really has grown and lucky to be so loved!!
Happy Doggie Days to everyone!!
That is just about the funniest thing I heard all day! Hope the rest of you week goes well. Happy Dot! ~ Robyn
*snerk* Little hoo-hoo's lead to big ha-ha's!
I've tagged you. Check my blog
Here I am, better late than never. You had me laughing out loud with the story of Lizzie and the hoohoo's. And Joseph is proof that one can still be studly in a hoohoo-less condition.
We had a Siamese cat named Julius Caesar who became suspiciously plump after eating lots of Thanksgiving turkey. Just a few short weeks and 4 kittens later, we started calling her Julia Caesarina!
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