I know it's been a week since my last post, but that's just because I didn't want to inflict my crappy mood on anyone. For that reason, this is going to be a short one. There's been decorating here in Britknitterville, and for this week's DOT I'll share a tradition we started when I was a little kid. Take a look at the ornaments on the top of the Christmas tree:

Not your traditional decorations, eh? We have always put the dogs' and cats' first collars on the Christmas tree. They're kind of hard to see in the photo, so I took them off and snapped a picture of them on the floor. See Tara's purple one? It still has the rabies tag from when she was picked up as a stray in Arkansas. See Cooper's fluorescent orange one? Or at least it was orange at one time. How long was he wearing that horrible collar, for it to be so faded? The inside is still a lighter shade of "hunter's orange", but the outside is faded almost white. So sad.

Remembering all of my girls (yes, Sam was a girl - her real name was Samantha) from years gone by is bittersweet. They brought me so much love. So very much love.
Sorry to hear that you have had a crappy week. I hope it gets better very soon.
Neat idea! If the Scrooges were doing trees this year, I'd have to hang Mugsy and Fred's LAST collars and the girls' first collars...
(So feel free to email about your foul mood... I'll understand!)
That's a lovely tradition. I don't have everyone's first collars anymore, but I do have the last collars from those who have left us. I think I'll do something special with them.
The dog collar idea is a lovely one. I like the idea of remembering the fur kids who have been part of your family. And I hope your week gets better.
Ohhh, I like that idea! I'm wishing you some gourmet chocolate and a better week...
what a sweet tradition! p.s. I hope your mood brightens!
What a beautiful way to remember and honor your sweet angels.
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