I came home from work and, from the driveway, I saw a huge package at my back door. Well, I ordered some nutritional supplements for the dog's food last week, so that must be it, right? No, the box is too big for that. Could it be the box of cat treats & a snuggle that Criquette said she would be sending for the cats my niece Jen is caring for at Tabby's Place. No, the box is really too big for that, unless it is the mother-lode of cat treats. I take a look at the return address, and it is indeed from Criquette. I open the box, and there are a ton of cat treats and a lovely green snuggle to keep the kitties warm, and there is an envelope that says "Brits Gone Wild: Please open before going any further."

I read the note, and it turns out that this whole time I've been nervous about slipping up and accidentally revealing my identity to my Secret Pal spoilee because I've known her for a while now, I also knew my spoiler. Yes, my "upstream" secret pal was the lovely, kind and wonderful Criquette! I can't say too much about my "downstream" secret pal since the package just went in the mail today, but it's really freaky. You'll have to trust me on this for now.
Take a look at this package of goodies. All wrapped in orange and cream paper. Yes, Brittany colors!

Every gift related to the dogs or cats (even the chickens) in some way.

Beagle Bagel dog treats for Emma and Tara, freeze-dried chicken & salmon treats for Joey (and now Tigger and Striper, but that's a story for another post), and lovely cleome seeds from Criquette's garden for the chickens to enjoy (but they are to just enjoy looking at them, not digging them up!).
Emma and Tara immediately got into the spirit of present opening, and they are both thrilled with their bagels! Tara loves her treats!

Here is Emma trying to help herself, but mean old mommy said "Just one treat until after dinner."

There were two skeins of yarn - one the color of the dogs, one the color of the cats. How thoughtful! Also a Brittany pen, and the all-important chocolate!
I was sitting on the floor, opening each present and laughing, until I got to this one:

I have truly been spoiled with "an embarrassment of riches", and not just the gifts. I consider Criquette's friendship the most valuable gift of all. Thank you, Criquette, for everything. You are a treasure!
OMG - the Mellie dog is so precious, thoughtful and amazing (and I am shamed at my lack of doggy felting skills, even after taking a class, lol)! Criquette is one amazing lady and a wonderful, fellow doggy Mom!
Great swap package there... I'm glad you got such a great spoiler!
You have been so spoiled, as have all of your furry friends.
I love the needle-felted doggy too, how thoughtful!
I don't know whether my little hammies count, but I was devastated when Martin (of Aston & Martin) died in the summer. It's not as big a hurt as for a doggy though. I'm a big softie though, and I'm looking forwards to rescuing my own doggies when I have a bigger house and garden - can't at the moment in a small house & no garden it's not fair (and I'm at work all day)
Any fur (or feather, fin or scale) baby leaves a hole when they go, which makes the friends who remember them extra special.
You have chickens?! Pictures, pictures!
Heck, *I* started tearing up just on reading your post about Mellie and your present! That is a truly wonderful and heartfelt present.
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You got a blog spam! You're spoiler was indeed generous. I am a fur-mom and understand how hard it is to lose a fur-baby, even one who's 20 years old. And yes, hamsters count. They quickly become part of your family just like cats and dogs. We had Xena, the warrior hamster who pushed her way into our hearts with her antics. My daughter missed her as much as we miss the various rabbits, cats and guinea pigs we have shared our home with over the years. I'll bet the music is great.
Oh wow- how sweet! What a wonderful package, and to top it off with that Mellie memory...you truly lucked out with the secret pal exchange.
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