What's that you say? Who cares about geography...you want to hear about the marriage proposal? Patience, patience. All in good time.
Back to the scenery - the leaves were at their peak, and it was absolutely beautiful. It was cloudy and rainy, and if the sun was out the mountains would have looked like they were on fire with the reds and golds and oranges, but even the muted colors were breathtaking.

Enough about the food? You want to hear about the marriage proposal? Ok, ok...
Mom had some cards to mail, so we stopped at Hastings Store - the local general store/post office/deli all rolled into one.

Store-guy: Souvenirs? You picked a lovely time of year to visit.
Me: Yes, my parents are staying at _______ on Joe's Pond this week, and I came up on the train last night.
Store-guy: Your folks have been in here and said you were coming.
Me: They said you can get just about anything in this store, and they were right. I'll bet if I needed a tooth pulled you could take care of that, too.
Store-guy: I wouldn't do it myself, but I know of a few dentists in the area... I'd be happy to marry you though. I'm a Justice of the Peace and have married a few couples right here at the counter.
Me: Really?
Store-guy: Yep. One time I married a couple and nine months later they had a set of twins!
Me: Thanks anyway, but that would be a deal-breaker. Besides, you would have to supply the groom, too. Do you have a list of grooms to choose from?
Store-guy to the Postmistress: Hey, D, do you know of any grooms in the area for this girl?
Me: (turning 50 shades of red) No, no, no, I was just kidding!
Postmistress: How about Marcelle?
Store-guy: Yes! Marcelle!
Me: Hahaha, I'm too old for this stuff, but thanks anyway.
Store-guy: Nonsense - how old are you?
Me: 47, and besides, I'm a package deal. I come with three dogs.
Store-guy: Not a problem, I'm sure.
Store-guy to Postmistress: How old is Marcelle?
Postmistress: I'm not sure. I was kind of saving him in case something happens to my husband, but this could work out!
To be continued...
Oh wow... you actually managed to hold my attention with the beautiful leaves and the pancakes.
So, you have an officiant, attendants, and a groom - sorta'. Marcelle sounds like a ringer if she was keeping him in reserve...
So where is the photo of this Marcelle now? :)
PS - Its amazing what you can find at small town New England country stores, isn't it?
That is a real full service general store.
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