Recently we went to our Nanny's son's birthday party. He is 10 years old - hard to believe, especially since the Nanny started taking care of the dogs when her son was 4 months old. Where does the time go? Anyway, guess what we saw just up the road from our house...

Here is Sosi now. She had just spent her second night out in the pasture with the rest of the farm animals instead of in the house.

I think his name is Timothy, or Teddy, or something with a "T", and he is one of those horses like the ones on the beer commercials, but I don't remember what they are called right now. He came to live with the Nanny several weeks ago after his previous owner could no longer afford to care for him. See his hip bones sticking out? That's after he has already put on about 300 pounds. Our vet says Timothy could use another couple of hundred pounds. Poor sweet boy, but he has found himself a wonderful home now!

A peacock! Actually it was a whole family, but by the time I got my camera out, the momma and what had to be at least 20 baby peacocks had already crossed the road and disappeared into a wooded section.

Unbelievable! There are lots of turkeys & guinea fowl around here, but peacocks? That's a first for me.
When we got to the Nanny's house, we saw the Nanny's sweet little sheep, Sosi. Remember her from last March when the Nanny brought her over to meet the dogs? Here is a picture of Sosi back when she was still wearing diapers.

Is it me, or does she look the tiniest bit angry for having to sleep outside? At least she had company-- a couple of other sheep, a cow, a donkey, and some horses, including this big boy.

Ms. Sheep does look less than thrilled about sleeping out-of-doors. The big boy is a draft horse - a Clydesdale, perhaps? He is still quite thin, but kudos to Nanny for taking him in and giving him some TLC.
I can't stand peacocks. A childhood friend's mom had several, and those thinks SKRIEK like crazy when kids are outside playing in the same yard.
Wish Nanny could do something to help save the horses next door. All 12 are ribby and hungry. We have tried everyone we can and no one seems to care :-(
I want to come stay at Nanny's house and play with all her animals.
Oh sheepie totally has that "are you kidding me... I've got to sleep out HERE?" look going on!
Love the pics... wow, that's a lot of baby peacocks!!
Beautiful horse. They are so big when they've got their full weight. Poor sheepie, having to sleep outside. I didn't know peacocks wandered wild in NJ! How cool is that?
That sheep is just too funny! Nanny must have one heck of a sense of humor with all that going on :)
And the peacock...I've seen lots of birds crossing the street, but never, ever a peacock LOL. Glad you snapped a pic before she - he? - got too far away!
That is a very cool place to visit.
The horse is a lucky fellow, and Sosi is such a cutie even if really ticked off about being outside for good.
For someone who lives in the Back of Beyond, you sure have some interesting experiences - wild peacocks, sheep in diapers, what next?
HAHA love the diaper pic!
The horse is a Clydesdale. He could def. use some pounds, but I'm glad to hear they're working on it. A lot of good quality hay will help to put and keep the weight on. I own a draft cross and have plenty of draft clients, feel free to ask for more advice if Nanny needs it! It looks like she's doing a great job.
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