Every morning at work I have to go around the museum and clean off the fingerprints (and other questionable smears that I prefer not to think about) that the
little rug rats precious school children have left on the glass from the day before. Yesterday, I decided to take the chickies along with me.

They had a wonderful time, and wanted to share their favorite pieces with you.
Chicklet says "Awwww, a baby chick!"

"Chess, anyone?"

"Ooooh, a little tiny chair that is just my size!"

"Hey, are you my mother?"

"Are you my mother?"

"Are you my mother?"

"Mommy, I found you!!!"
We hope you enjoyed the Chick's Tour!
OMG - how stinking cute!!!
Oh my! That's just the best post!!!
That was a good tour. You should put it together as a book for the rug rats, I mean precious school children who come into the museum.
What a neat tour. I especially liked the little chair. You must show us more of the museum. It looks fascinating. I loved the Christmas pics.
Will you be joining us for Blue Day? Anything blue will do, but I need the pics by Sunday.
Hahah How cute!
Oh, oh, oh!!! That is just darling. Love the backs of their little heads! I agree with the person who said you should put together a picture book for visitors - bet the adults would love it too!
Never knew janitor was part of your job description
Chickies! I *love* chickies! Ever since the infamous elopement of Duckie, I have missed seeing chickies on your blog. Thanks for the big smile!
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