Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Home again!

Mom came home from the hospital last night - Hooray! Thank you all for your concern. I don't know who was happier last night, Mom or Bessie. Mom was worried that little Bessie wouldn't remember her, but no worries. Bessie has really bonded with Mom.

The doctors are saying the extreme crazyness temporary confusion was a result of the UTI, and not the bang on the head she had a few weeks ago. A CAT scan, ultrasound of her carotid arteries, and MRI were all negative. All excellent news! So, no more long hours at the hospital drinking the sub-standard swill from the vending machines that they have the nerve to call "coffee"!

And, because I like to include a photo in every post, look what popped out yesterday. I think Spring is finally going to show its face!


Sue said...

So glad that your mom is on the mend. That was pretty scary.

Beth said...

Oh good news! I'm glad to hear it.

You're lucky to have a sweet daffodil making its appearance! Mine are not in a good spot, so they bloom late....but they hang around later, too, so I catch it on the flip side.

SissySees said...

Glad your mom is back home. The critters have all but ruined my flowers so far.

silfert said...

Oh, hooray! Many hugs and happy dances!

Sonya said...

That is wonderful news!

Knitting it Out in an Urban Zoo said...

Daffodil. yay!

Mom home, double yay!