Happy Tax Refund Check to Mee-eeee,
Happy Tax Refund Check to Me!
As you might have guessed, my Tax Refund check came this week...although it's not really a check anymore, but "Happy Tax Refund Check to Me" fits the Happy Birthday tune much better (more or less) than "Happy Direct Deposit into my Checking Account to Me". Either way, it is cause for celebration, and even a little splurging. Hey, I need to do my part to stimulate the economy, right? What better way than to buy something that I have been lusting after for many months now. No, sadly it's not Alan Rickman. It is a Namaste bag!

I first read about these bags on Nichole's and Chan's blogs, and knew that I had to have one of my very own. What is so great about these bags? They are cruelty-free! Not one speck of leather is used in the manufacture of these bags. That, and the fact that the people at Namaste bring their dogs to work with them...well, enough said! I was going back and forth between the Laguna and the Newport, but settled on the Newport....for now. I have a feeling that the Laguna will be winging its way to me in the future.
The astute viewer may notice the presence of additional items in the photo. Well, it's like this... if you spend $75 or more at Woolgirl.com, you get free shipping. Who can resist that? I think it would be downright irresponsible of me to spend less than $75.00! The yarns were in the Bargain Bin, so I really did well. The larger skein is Sock Options by Sereknity, and it is 50% Superwash Merino and 50% Tencel. That's a combo I have not tried before! The smaller skeins are What Not Sock Minis by Union Center Knits, and they are just too darn cute to resist.
I can't say enough good things about Jennifer (the Woolgirl), too. Everything was wrapped up in tissue and ribbons, and she included little surprises (knit soak and a pen) and the best part is that I ordered this on Thursday, and it arrived today - Saturday! From Oregon to New Jersey in two days, and the shipping was free. This is the first of what I am sure will be many orders from Woolgirl.
Before I go and

Cooper jumped right in, of course. He can smell food from miles away.

Then Tara got in on the act.

And then Emma came over to investigate.

After all the treats were consumed, Emma grabbed a bag and ripped it open. If she was looking for more treats, she was out of luck. Just more sock yarn. Bummer!