Anyway, as I was listening to Heidi earlier this week, the following sentence jumped out at me:
". . . the grandmother said . . . 'the heart is comforted with the assurance that some day everything that we have loved will be given back to us.' "
I haven't been able to stop thinking about this. It almost took my breath away when I heard it. Literally, it stopped me in my tracks.
You see, April is a month full of memories of loss for me. I almost want to crawl into bed on March 31 and not leave it until May 1st. I know I shouldn't feel this way. I know I have so many things to be thankful for. I know that I am so very lucky when it comes to my family, and the fact that my parents are in such good health, and Emma and Tara are as healthy as can be. Still, the incredibly unreasonable and selfish part of me wants more. I desperately want my dear Scarlett who crossed the Rainbow Bridge on April 4, 2003...

Speaking of loss, there are still no sign of Ducky the Duckster, that little floozy. Even Napoleon has stopped coming by. I've heard another rooster crowing from somewhere farther away than Napoleon's house. I would think it was that crafty little Napoleon (who lured away my sweet, innocent little Ducky) throwing his voice, but it's a very different "Cock-a-Doodle-Doo," so it's definitely a new rooster in the 'hood. Maybe Ducky took up with this new rooster? I'll have to do some investigating. If I don't blog for a while, it's because one of my neighbors had me thrown in jail for trespassing. Bake me a cake with a file in it, will you? Chocolate would be my preference.
Uh-oh! I do hope you find Ducky with a new "man". Thanks for sharing your sweet girls from the not-so-distant past with us.
Sure hope Ducky shows up or sends you a little note saying she's fine.
Big hugs to you... they were both beautiful girls!!!!!!!!!
Fingers still crossed that Ducky finds her way home.....
What pretty babies, I can tell you miss them very much. Hopefully Ducky will be back soon. Let us know if you need cake. :)
Who wouldn't want to see two such beautiful girls again?
How about a cake with brownie on the bottom, raspberry jam and sweet cream filling, and milk chocolate cake on top? With a dark chocolate ganache topped by a white chocolate drizzle?
Such pretty dogs. I'm sorry they are both gone now. We lost our Riley in 2004 and we miss him so much, too.
It's been 9 years this month since our precious boy, KC, crossed over the Bridge. Mr. C and I were just talking about how we each still think of him almost everyday. My onll comfort is believeing we'll all be reunited one day.
Hugs to you and your 2 sweet girls. And to Ducky, wherever she is.
Sounds like Ducky is out on the town with the new man. I'm sorry April is so hard for you. It's such a beautiful month. I lost my fur child of 20 years in April(4 years ago) and I miss her every day. But now I have fond memories that bring a smile to my face even if they still bring an ache to my heart.
Okay, so I'm sitting here innocently opening up your blog to read and get up to date...and my eyes well up with tears and my heart gets heavy!
I totally get what you mean about wanting to months are October to March :)
Oh, if only our fur kids could live forever...
I hope your Ducky comes back with her new brood soon!
They were lovely girls.
I still long for my childhood pet to come back. It has been 25 years since he died.
I almost forgot Ducky. I wonder if Emma or Tara could pick up her trail....hmmm...
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