Missing: One Chicken
Name: Ducky
Also answers to: Duckster, Duckduckduck, Ducky-Doo
Age: Almost 11 years old
Height: About a foot
Weight: 8 pounds (estimated)
Last seen: Monday morning
Suspected fowl (and foul) play by this rooster:

Knit on, with confidence and hope, through all crises
Elizabeth Zimmerman
Uh-oh... Is Ducky not leaving her nest already?
Oh no! I hope she's not really missing!
Eep! I hope Ducky is okay!
(great name for a chicken, by the way!)
OMG, its not normal for one to wander off and leave all those eggs behind, is it?
NONONO! Not Ducky, my most favorite chicken ever! Ducky come home!
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