Monday, June 20, 2011

Lots of News, All of it Good!

Almost a month since I've posted... I'm a very, very bad blogger. It's been a month of ups and downs, and generally nerve wracking episodes pretty much daily. Today, however, was an "up" day. Way, way up. Dad went back to his surgeon for a follow-up visit today. He had his thyroid removed on June 8th, and after a pretty rough recovery, he is doing better now. The best, most important news from his doctor visit today is that the biopsy report was clear! No cancer at all! What a relief. Dad is still pretty sore from the surgery, and has limited neck movement, but after another week or two he will be back to his old self.

We traditionally make him his favorite meal - hamburgers with all the fixin's for Father's Day, but not this year. Here's a picture from a couple of years ago:

Can you see how big that burger is? He piles everything on his burgers. Cheese, bacon, tomato, lettuce, green pepper, onion, pickles... so much stuff I don't know how he eats it all. Maybe by this weekend he will feel up to the traditional Father's Day burger fest.

More good news: Mom is doing really well after her surgery last week. She had a botox injection into a muscle at the base of her esophagus, and she is eating much better now. It may have to be repeated every 6 months or so, but that's a small price to pay for being able to eat without the discomfort she has been experiencing for years now.

More good news: I've got mail!

Phot4tsq mail

Yes, it's all junk mail, but it's mine. Ok, none of it has my actual name on it, unless I want to change my name to "Occupant" or "Current Resident" or "Box Holder", that is.

So what's the big deal about getting mail? This mail was in my very own Post Office Box. Mine! At Fortescue!

Why would anyone get mail at Fortescue unless they lived there? They wouldn't! I will be closing on my house on Wednesday! Yes, that was another good piece of news today. After a nail-biting four days in which the bank and the homeowners/flood insurance company were going back and forth about the wording on the insurance policy (of all things to hold up a sentence in an insurance policy!), they finally came to a compromise, and in a mere 36 hours, I will be a homeowner! Me!

Does that mean I'm a grown up now? I hope not.


Tsuki said...

Wow! Lots of excellent news! It's great to hear that your dad is doing well!

Good luck with the house move! It should be amazing. :)

Donna Lee said...

The health news is good! I'm happy for that. It's a relief. And I would treat Dad to the biggest burger he can handle as soon as his neck/throat heals.

Welcome to the ranks of homeownership! It's exciting/scary all at the same time.

Lapdog Creations said...

WOO HOO - look at all that GOOD news! :) The best, of course, is "No cancer at all" - that is the best thing to hear! My Dad was sore for awhile after going thru the throat stuff... but now he eats foods that he NEVER would've tried before - go figure!

YAY on your Mom... and SUPER YAY on the house!

JerseyJennyW said...

I LOVE all this news :)

Anonymous said...

This is GREAT NEWS all around!

Email me your new address so I you can get some "real" mail.