Time to break out the matches...

...and celebrate...
...and then go deeper into debt:

Yep, the Fortescue house is now officially under contract! Woo Hoo! All I need now is the mortgage commitment, which should come through by June 10th. That will keep everything on track to have the survey, inspections, certifications, blah, blah, blah, done by the settlement date of June 30th!
It looks like June will be a big month around here, with Dad's thyroid surgery on the 8th, and mom's esophagus surgery on the 14th. Fortunately, dad is already stocking up on supplies in anticipation of spending time in Fortescue in the next couple of months.
What supplies?

Give your parents my best wishes for their opperations.
Congratulations on the house! You've dreamed of it for so long. I'll be keeping my fingers crossed until it's all locked up.
Vicki in So. Cal
Whoops! I missed the last post so I just discovered it's not the same house. But now even more congrats. A house without all the problems of the first!
It'll all go great. In just a few weeks your folks will be on the mend and you'll be enjoying your new little house. How neat is that!
Congrats on the house, your dad's good spirits, and best wishes to all of you as you navigate the next month or so!
I walk away from the computer for a few days and you go and buy a house! Congratulation! It's so exciting/scary, isn't it?
I am thinking good thoughts about your dad and mom. Funny thing, I have something similar to your mom's condition and they explained this complicated surgery where they wrap part of the stomach around the bottom of the esophagus......I said no.
Congrats on the house... good vibes for all... and YAY to the bombfire!
ps - speaking of marshmallows... you might need some chocolate mint ones (check out my Monday post)... lol
Hi, I found your link from clicking on my profile location of Southrn New Jersey. My husband and I love Fortescue. We even drove down in terrible weather this winter and tried to walk along the beach, but it was non-existent because the tide was so high and waves were crashing over the cement pilings. How wonderful to have a house in this unique and lovely town...enjoy.
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