Here is a picture of Honey the last time she and her sisters and her human siblings came down to Britknitterville to play with Emma, Tara and Cooper.

Sorry, but that's the best shot I have of her. You can imagine the chaos of six brits running around-- no one was interested in sitting for a picture!
Goodbye, sweet Honey. We will see you on the other side of the rainbow bridge. In the meantime, enjoy this time you will be spending with all of the beloved dogs who have gone on before you.
Good bye Honey.
I'm picturing her running around in a field full of birds. Chasing and chasing in the sun. It's always sunny in dog heaven, right?
Booooo... Always sad! Hugs to you and Honey's humans!
Goodbye Honey. You'll make lots of friends over the bridge. A lot of wonderful dogs are there.
Goodbye Sweet Honey..... hugs to your family! ♥
God Bless Honey. A life well lived is always worth celebrating.
Fare thee well, dear Honey. I hope you get to frolic with lots of Brits over the bridge!
Aww :(
I remember when Aunt Kris got her. She was torn over if she should name her "Honey" since my family already had a "Honey" (a golden)...
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