...from this post?
It seems like eons ago, but it was just last June. The Antiques Roadshow segments that were filmed while the crew was in New Jersey last summer are finally going to air. The NJ shows will be on for the next three Monday evenings, beginning tonight! I'm not sure which week the museum will be on, though. Hopefully tonight!
You can go the the Antiques Roadshow website for information and a local broadcast schedule for your area. It's worth watching just to support fellow knitter Mark Walberg. The fact that he has those incredible blue eyes doesn't hurt...
Edited to add:
Here is the link of the segment filmed in the Museum
Here is the link of bonus footage of Mark Walberg making a paperweight
Oh, yeah, it's totally the knitting that's attractive about the man.......
I'm going to have to haunt the internet to see if I can see your museum since I don't have a tv. But, I'm going to look!
Fun!! I'll have to tune in... you know, just to be a supportive friend and all? ;)
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