What has come and gone in the two weeks or so since I last posted? Christmas, New Year's, Sophia's christening, a couple of Dogs on Thursdays, snow (and then more snow), ice, lots of knitting, lots of worrying, which leads to more knitting, knitting, knitting. Not much blog reading, though, and my "Google Reader" is at a new record high (for me) of unread posts. Must get caught up...one of these days.
Anyway, I managed to finish my Christmas knitting in time for New Year's. Heh. Here is Emma helping me take a picture of the three baby dolls I made for my nieces & my mom. Yes, one is for mom. She fell in love with the first baby doll I made, so I surprised her with one, too.

This picture is from Christmas Eve at mom and dad's house. Bessie was more interested in the wrapping than in her presents. Typical cat!

This is mom and dad on New Year's Day. Mom is holding her newest (honorary) granddaughter,
Sophia. Pay no attention to my messy knitting corner in the background.

I don't have any pictures of Sophia's christening because I operated the video camera. Sophia's big brothers (7 and 5 years old) both had a part in the ceremony, while her big sister (2 years old) sat quietly munching on a bag of mini marshmallows. Not her usual snack, but she was having a melt-down in the church, and "any port in a storm," right?
Next the snow, snow, snow. And ice, and more snow, snow snow. Hate it. Hate it all. Enough said.

Now for Dogs on Thursdays... all of the brits are doing just fine, after a couple of trips to the vet.
Tara broke a nail on the frozen ground late Monday night. Blood everywhere. Everywhere! During a semi-frantic call to the Nanny early Tuesday morning, she told me to just head into the vet without an appointment and Dr. WonderVet would see her right away. God bless my the WonderVet, and the Nanny! After a needle in the butt and 10 days of antibiotics, Tara is doing just fine.

When I got Tara home, it was too late to head into work, so I stayed home on Tuesday and got some chores done...and watched Emma limping around. Yes, Emma hurt her leg last Sunday by jumping off of the sofa, and had been limping off and on, so I called the WonderVet and asked if I could impose on them without an appointment twice in one day!

Emma didn't limp at the vet, of course, but Dr. WonderVet said it's not uncommon for the adrenaline to take over and negate the pain. Anyway, she is on Rimadyl for a week, and will have X-rays next week if that doesn't help. So far, both girls are doing just fine.
As far as the worrying, I'm a natural worrier, and someday hope to get a gold medal in the Worrying Olympics. The only way to do that is to practice, practice, practice, and family and friends have graciously provided me with new and dizzying things to worry about. At least I have my knitting to help me through. That is, until yesterday when I closed my finger in a door. No knitting for a while. Back to full-time worrying.