Dogs on Thursday everyone! Two of the three four-legged residents of Britknitterville were definitely NOT happy this past weekend, because Saturday was the dreaded "Day of Beauty" for them. That's right...bath time for Cooper and Emma. We put if off for as long as we could, but the two orange-and-white brits had turned into orange-and-yellow brits. Tara managed to escape the Tub-of-Doom since she had
been tortured a bath, not too long ago.
Here is the normally happy-go-lucky Cooper looking not so happy-go-lucky.

And here is the normally I-am-the-queen-of-the-world Emma looking royally pissed.

Emma and Cooper request anyone reading this blog post to please, please, please for the love of dog, call the ASPCA and report this cruel and unusual punishment.
Sis and Gretch need baths too, but it just hasn't happened. Maybe this weekend?
But they don't mind so much. Sissy actually hops in the tub/shower at will, and sweet little Gretchen is so good-natured...
Dear Emma, Tara and Cooper,
Bath time is a necessary evil we must stand in order to live with the people who take such good care of us. You all look marvelous and I'm sure you have recovered by now.
We feel your pain and humiliation... did you notice our Mom's nasty post last week?
Zeus, Lola, Tut & Sophie
I've been waiting for the rain to stop before giving baths. It seems silly to wash them, then send them out into the mud. Saturday is Dogfest and Sky and Norma Jean are going this year, so they'll both get baths tomorrow, rain or shine.
Our girls have the SPCA on speed dial for just such hideous treatment.
Awe....that is too cute!! My two like to roll around no the couch and beds all wet to make us pay for them being clean. :)
Awwwwwwww! :)
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