My sister and I have been riding our bikes at
Parvin State Park several times a week. They have lots of trails, and one in particular is super for bicycles. I've been noticing an increasing number and variety of mushrooms, so over the weekend I took my camera along on the bike ride.
There were lots of plain old brown mushrooms:

Mushrooms with "knobby knees":

This one was an ice-blue color:

This one was a creamy-buttery yellow:

This one was a bright sunny yellow to orange center:

This one looked like a red-skin potato:

This one looked too red to be real, but it was!

Here is a scattering of some teeny tiny orange mushrooms:

This one had the feel of one of those latex Halloween masks:

This one stump looks like a rock-climbing wall for fairy creatures:

This one was so high I couldn't get a good picture of how orange it really is:

This one looks like a rose growing out of the top of this tree stump:

I know this next picture doesn't really belong, but something about this broken down tree makes me smile.

Doesn't it look like a mailbox post? I call it Tree Mail!