Cooper, goofy Cooper.

When really he is very naughty.

He was also very brave when he got his needle in the hiney, and since he was such a good boy, he got treated to an extra car ride. He got to visit my workplace! Truthfully, I needed to fax something, so Cooper really didn't have a choice, but he was very good just the same. He was a big hit with everyone at work, and got lots of treats, then wandered around emptying the trash cans looking for anything else to eat. He's quite the scavenger! After that, we stopped at McDonald's and Cooper got cheeseburgers to take home and share with his sisters. He is such a good boy! I can't imagine what we ever did without him!

Cooper says, "All I really want is a nap..."
lucky boy. I love to relate the whole dog in the dishwasher episode.
he looks fantastic, certainly not his age.
hugs to all the fur kids.
Wow - I can't believe its been a year already!!! GREAT photos... he IS a very dashing boy! Lots of scratchies to Cooper and his sisters!
Congrats to Cooper and the rest of the pack. I've seen Sissy in so many of those positions...
Great photos Cooper! Love the one on the kitchen counter!:) Happy DOT!
Happy Anniversary, Cooper. It looks like he enjoyed his special day with treats he didn't have to share.
Happy Forever Homecoming, Cooper.
Sometimes the ones who find us are the best
Well, it looks like Cooper thinks he owns that backseat. I'm sure he thought that whatever happened to him was a small price to pay for a great bag of burgers!
Ok - I love the dishwasher picture. I have one like that too, except I swear her eyes were saying "No, really I am helping YOU by licking these plates in here."
It's hard to believe it's been a year. He looks happy to have you all as a family and I know you all are happy to have him.
He's ten years old? For real? He has such a puppy face.
You are lucky to have found eachother. :)
Love, love this post. Hard to believe a year has gone by. The counter pic is my favorite also - he looks so determined!
Yay!! Lucky Britknitterville to have such a multifaceted fellow as a citizen! Congrats to all of you :)
Wahoo!! for surviving a whole year with Mr. Cooper :)
Here's to MANY more
Sounds like a good day all around - and that looks like one happy pup! Give him a pat from me.
What great pictures!! He's such a cute boy!!
You and Cooper and the girls are so lucky to have found each other - he is so beautiful and sweet, just like you 3 girls!
So cute! Hope you had a great day Cooper! SO glad you have all found each other. ::hugs::
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