That thing is the biggest walking stick I have ever seen! Throughout the summer, lots of little ones make an appearance, but they're usually about two inches long. This guy has to be, I don't know, maybe 8 inches? Could be more. (By the way, the quarter is taped to the siding for size comparison. I normally do not have quarters taped to the side of the garage.)
Tonight I was scrolling through previous posts, and I realized that I've been a bad blogger this month. I have barely managed to get Dogs on Thursday posts done and posted, let alone anything else during the week. My only excuse is that I've been working weekends this past month, and my whole routine is out of whack. I was going to upload some pics from the camera and post some knitting projects, but who can resist this sweet face?

Our kids think Tara has one cool bed!
She looks so sweet. How could you resist playing with her and the squeeky toy?
Sissy - like Mugsy before her - is jealous of the computer. She realizes it takes my focus off of her, and thus, it is to be resented...
What a cutie pie...no one could refuse to play with that sweetie. Cool bug/insect too.
What a sweet pea she is! I've been reading about the breed and really like them.
Glad you don't normally tape quarters to the garage, that would be weird.
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