My niece brought this little man to my attention, and asked me to spread the word about him on the blog. Bones has been living at Best Friends Animal Society in Utah for many, many years. Something like 13 years. Best Friends is a wonderful place - that's where National Geographic's "Dogtown" series is filmed, but still, that's a long time, especially in dog years.
Anyway, Bones has been adopted by someone living on the East Coast, but due to health issues, Bones is unable to fly. They are raising funds to get him transported across the country to his loving forever home. You can read all about him at http://www.firstgiving.com/milesformrbones
Good luck and Dog-Speed to you, Mr. Bones-y McBones.
Anyway, Bones has been adopted by someone living on the East Coast, but due to health issues, Bones is unable to fly. They are raising funds to get him transported across the country to his loving forever home. You can read all about him at http://www.firstgiving.com/milesformrbones
Good luck and Dog-Speed to you, Mr. Bones-y McBones.
He reminds me of the dog in the Old Yeller movie.
Great cause! Thanks for letting us know.
I think I'm rather sad about this. Why would it take someone that long to adopt the beautiful Mr.Bones? and if the family adopting him can't afford to get him - how are they going to afford any potential medical bills of an aging pet?
Sorry? Tangent. I'm glad that Mr.Bones is going to a loving home. g
Mr. Bones looks a bit like my Dylan Thomas. It saddens me so that people can "throw away" a dog or cat like yesterday's newspaper. Still, I hope Mr. Bones gets to go to his new home soon.
Great cause... Mr Bones was on a couple of the episodes of Dogtown USA... so glad to hear he's been adotped, let's get those funds rolling!
Like Gaylen, I am amazed that it took 13 years for someone to come forward and adopt Mr. Bones. It breaks my heart that there are so many animals out there that need and want love and attention and everyone seems to want a baby puppy or kitten not realizing that these wonderful adult animals are past (mostly) all the potty issues and are calmed down too. Best wishes to Mr. Bones and his new family.
What a great story!
I am glad for so many good people out there that are helping Mr. Bones finally get to his forever home.
Beautiful dog. I hope everything works out for him.
What a handsome boy! Hoping everything turns out well...
First off, THANK YOU so much for posting this! I'm sending the link to your blog for Joyce to see and share with Mr. Bones' other fans working to get him out here :)
Mr. Bones has extensive behavioral, health and age "quirks." For this reason, it's been very difficult to find the perfect home for him - thank goodness for a place like best friends who haven't let any of those facts prevent them from caring for and for such a long time. If nothing else, these quirks prevent getting Bones here in the quickest manner - flight! He needs to be driven to the East Coast.
Every year my friends go out to Utah from NJ to spend time volunteering, Mr. Bones is one of their favorites to visit with. My friends, big fans of Mr. Bones, would prefer to RAISE the funds to get Mr. Bones here so that the money his family would be spending on that can go towards loving, caring and spoiling Mr. Bones when he finally has his own home. They don't want the distance to prevent him from getting to his adoptive home.
And, yes, he was on Dogtown - he's the only dog from the series last season who has yet to be in a forever home now.
From myself, Joyce, her friends and Bones - THANK YOU for your support. :)
Hi It's me, Joyce from Mr. Bones Fan Club. Mr. Bones initially came from Puerto Rico with another dog, Nagrita 13 years ago. They were street dogs and someone saw they were not being treated well and made arrangements for them to go to Best Friends. Once there, they were together for a few years until Mr. Bones decided he wanted a one dog apartment :) He decided he didn't want to share anymore and was picking on Nagrita who was older than him so she was moved. Mr Bones has a very weird behavior with other dogs, he would wait until they past then lunge from behind so he needed to be adopted alone with no other animals because he failed the cat test too. Most of his caretakers and "fan club members" have multiple animals so we were unable to take him home. In the Kanab area in Utah, most people actually all my friends there have multiple dogs so it just seems that Mr. Bones was always overlooked. His new family is renovating their home to accommodate him. His health issues are not critical, arthritis, skin conditions and old age problems but he is too old to be placed in a crate in the cargo holder of a plane so he needs to be driven. As for his family being able to afford his care, they can and will take excellent care of him. We decided we wanted to help Mr. Bones because we love him and this was the way to do it. We have always spoiled Mr. Bones on our yearly visits and he was the only choice for sleepovers with us because we just love him. He is so sweet and as many saw on DogTown, he is a happy boy. (Dogtown premiers tonight, 9-5-08 at 9pm). Sorry I had to plug it, it is about the Vicktory dogs which you have to see. So that is the story of Mr. Bones...a sweet aging dog going home!! Thanks everyone.
Joyce MOyer
Hey, I just left you an award over on my blog - go claim it! :)
Updates on Mr. Bones: http://milesformrbones.blogspot.com/
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