Oh, no. Not Bill and Star! I was really hoping this pair would win the
Greatest American Dog title.

Sadly, last night they were voted off the show. The theme for the episode was "courage", and the
stupid judges felt that Star failed. Harumph! Not in my book! Star was just too smart to jump off that high platform. Hey - that thing was like a zillion feet off the ground, so what dog in her right mind would take that leap? Just because most of the other dogs jumped, that just shows that they are not as smart as Star! But don't take my word for it. In case you missed it, you can watch last night's episode
here. Stupid judges, stupid show. I'm not ever going to watch it again. Until next week's episode.
Now for some really sad news. This past week, a dear blogging friend
Chan lost her little prince, Mugsy, this week. This brave little man was victim to a series of spinal cord strokes. You can read about it on
Mugsy's blog.

Good bye sweet Mugsy. I wish I knew you in person. While you are running (yes, running! without wheels!!!) and playing on the other side of the rainbow bridge, if you run into a big Chesapeake Bay Retriever named Scupper, or a Brittany named Katie, Scarlett or Melanie, tell them mommy says hello and she loves them very much.
As far as I'm concerned, our own dogs are the "stars of the show!"
Diane...such sweet thoughts for Mugsy and all of yours! I don't get that show here...so thanks for the link...I'm going to watch! If
Star did not jump...she knew best and was the MOST intelligent for not following the crowd stupidly and taking a risk that she believes she may have been hurt! So bravo...she is the Star and deserved to be commended not penalized! I agree with you!
You have a great heart! Enjoy your weekend! Gotta go watch Great American Dog clip! Thanks!
I cried last night. That really upset me... Now, I'll have to cheer only for Leroy, the VA dog!
Ugh to this show that I had thought had great potential, only to keep failing us ... the real dog people.
Ugh! I really don't like the judges on that show they are not good!
I just loooove all the dogs though and they are all winners in my book!
Ugh! I really don't like the judges on that show they are not good!
I just loooove all the dogs though and they are all winners in my book!
I agree. That dog was smart not to jump. I sure wouldn't have!
Oh we don't have that programme here. It must be really interesting.
Say "hi" to Rufus for me, Mugsy. He's the red one who says "Please" by holding out a paw.
A dog that refuses to jump from a high platform is showing sense, not cowardice. Dogs aren't fools.
I liked those two alot. Missed the last show, will watch it now. Thanks!
I liked Bill and Star, too. I thought the little white dog should have gone home.
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