Jen is home and healing nicely after having her gall bladder removed, and I'm finally catching up on some stuff (like blog reading) that has been on the back burner all week. I had to share a couple of pictures of my nieces. They are 24 and 20 years old, have busy lives (school - jobs) and spend their free time with their friends instead of their doddery old aunts. They generally fight like cats & dogs, but like most sisters, they are there for each other when the going gets tough.
Here is Michelle doing her best to distract her big sister from the upcoming surgery.

Michelle is saying "If that doctor doesn't come and get you soon, I'll take that gall bladder out myself with this turkey baster!"

After surgery, Michelle said "Should we leave you alone so you can sleep?"
Jen said, " lay down next to me."

You should have seen the face on the nurse who came in to check on Jen! To the nurse's credit, though, she just took the readings she needed and let Michelle stay in the bed and offer comfort to her big sister.
I wish I had that kind of relationship my either of my sisters.
That is the way sisters should be. Good for them.
I can't even picture you being a doddery old aunt.
That's what sisters are for. Clearly, the nurse has one/is one... Wishing Jen a speedy recovery!
I just had that surgery. Make sure she takes it easy. It takes longer to heal than you think. Of course, that could be because I am a doddey old person and not a sweet young thing. My sister would have taken the gall bladder out with her teeth and left me to bleed to death. she doesn't like me very much....
Wishing Jen a speedy recovery.... What a show of sisterly love at its finest!
Those photos are adorable, and I'm glad to hear Jen is doing well.
Although...a turkey baster? Come on- offer to use something with teeth to get right IN there! Maybe something like an apple corer?
AAAAWWW! That's exactly what sisters are for. I love that photo, it makes me miss my sister!
Wondeful picture. Hugs to both of them!
I have to ask - why is there a turkey baster in the hospital room?
So sweet.
Awww that pic is just too sweet! Hope Jen is doing well and has a speedy recovery. You can tell Michelle loves her big sis.
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