...but I guess Sara thought it was ok to bite the hand that was trying to make her swallow medicine. Who would have thought that this sweet little girl would bite?
Not only did she bite, but she also passed along some nasty germs. Mom and dad were giving Sara her medicine on Wednesday, when Sara decided she would rather
not take the nasty stuff, thank-you-very-much. By Thursday morning, mom's finger was red and swollen and very painful, and her arm was red and hot up to the shoulder, and her lymph nodes were swollen and sore. Time for a visit to the Emergency Room. After that, they called the Orthopedic Surgeon who replaced mom's knees, and he wanted to see her right away. You certainly don't want an infection to spread to the knee joints. That's bad news! Mom is now on an antibiotic and she goes back to the Ortho on Monday. If the finger isn't much, much better, they will have to open it up. Ugh. It makes me weak in the knees just thinking about it.
Oh that sounds horrible! I will say a prayer for your mom that her finger is much better by Monday.
Oh that sounds horrible! I will say a prayer for your mom that her finger is much better by Monday.
How awful! She's in my prayers as well. *HUGS* to you and your mom.
I hope your mom's okay. My right hand middle finger throbs with the memory of Mugsy's bite (I was trying to break up a fight he and Fred were having). I ended up with injected antibiotics and the threat of hospitalization and an IV version... Keep us posted!
Poor Mom. Hope your finger is better soon.
Sounds like cellulitis. I spent 2 weeks in the hospital for IV antibiotics because of an infection. Nasty. I will look at the cats with new respect. I hope your mom's hand improves.
Yup, Mom's on the prayer list. Tell Sara we understand, but she musn't be a naughty girl when people are trying to help. She must have been reading "How To Give A Cat A Pill" recently...
Sara should come play Whiskers on Wednesday!!
Good thoughts for your mom.
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