Everyone has been so supportive through this, and I feel fortunate to have so many wonderful people in my life. The words of encouragement here on the blog and on Facebook are truly what got me through some of the roughest days. My whole family has been wonderful, from going to appointments with me, letting Emma and Cooper out on the days that Tara had chemo and I would be away from home for most of the day, to just being there when I needed them the most.
My work has been wonderful, allowing me to work from home when I couldn't leave Tara, approving vacation days no-questions-asked, and my coworkers picking up the slack the days I wasn't at work. I even got a new boss in the middle of all of this, and I wasn't there until the afternoon on her first day of work because of one of Tara's treatments. How lucky am I to work for a place that understands that pets aren't just pets, they are so much more than that?
OK, I'm really blubbering now, so I will just share some of my favorite pictures of my sweet girl and then go to bed.
Tara the first day we brought her home from the American Brittany Rescue transport. Look how scrawny she was!

When she first came here, she didn't know what toys were, but she learned pretty quickly!

She liked to help around the house, from cleaning out the cabinet where the trash and recycling bins are kept...

...to helping with the dishes.

She was fashionable...

...refined (eating off of a fork)...

...and loved. Loved so very much.

I am positive that she is in heaven right now, because if there is a heaven, the worst dog in the world would be more deserving of a place there than the best human.