Thursday, July 29, 2010

Dogs on Thursday on Friday

Well, another week has come and gone, and all I have managed to post is another Dogs On Thursday, only this one isn't on Thursday, it's on Friday. My excuse for this negligence? Well, I have lots of excuses, but none of them are any good, really. I just need to get my act together.

Anyway, when I stopped at mom and dad's yesterday on my way to work, mom gave me her copy of a recent Orvis catalog of dog products. Look at this little face:

I don't know if you can read it, but in the upper right hand corner, it says "Cooper questions authority." Cooper!!! Another brittany named Cooper, and he shows up in a magazine! My Cooper wants to know why they always picture the sweet young puppies to sell products. He says he can question authority as good as that young whippersnapper!

Just take a look at this face!
I'll buy anything this sweet boy is selling!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Quickie Dogs on Thursday

This is a quick one, so forgive me, but remember Cup o' Joe from this post and this post? You know, the teeny tiny poodle my niece fostered? He needed surgery for a broken leg.

Good news - he got medical clearance and went to his forever home this week! Another successful rescue! Good job Jen!

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Working Dogs on Thursday

For this week's Dogs on Thursday, I give you a real working dog. Cooper!
Yes, Cooper came to work with me one day this week, and he was a big help. He had a very busy day. He tried to get a banana off of my desk.
He "surfed" around to the other side of the desk, knocking books and papers onto the floor.He tried to help with shelving books, but only succeeded in un-shelving them.
After all that, he needed a nap...
...and so did I!

And yes, my desk really IS that messy. I can't blame that on Cooper.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Hot Dogs on Thursday

No, not this type of hot dog...

...or even this type.
Does anyone else find that image disturbing? It's not as bad as some of the things I found when I typed "hot dog" in the search box for Google Images. Geesh!

Anyhoo... we are in the midst of record-breaking heat, which makes for some very hot dogs! Luckily the dogs are in air conditioning, but they still have to go outside for certain, "business", shall we say. They certainly don't linger outdoors, that's for sure. As soon as they come in, they spread out on the cool tile floor and enjoy the breeze from the ceiling fan. Here is Tara getting every square inch of her belly on the cool tiles.

Cooper likes the tile, too. He learned that spread-eagle position from Tara. It maximizes the cooling effect.
Emma likes to lay on her back and let the breeze from the ceiling fan cool her belly. She refused to let me take a picture of her this morning, so I'll leave you with a picture taken a few weeks ago.

Emma says, "I am being mistreated! Stupid BATH! This is cruel and unusual punishment! Send help!"

Thursday, July 1, 2010

The Dog That Changed The World

For this week's Dogs on Thursday, I bring you The Dog That Changed The World! Well, my world, anyway...
That's my Scarlett, the first dog that was mine-all-mine. I brought her home June 30, 1991, and things have never been the same! She wormed her way into my heart in about 2 seconds, and I have been head-over-heels for brittanys ever since.

She had that classic "brittany" look, and aged oh-so-gracefully.

Scarlett was outspoken, ornery, demanding, and had no patience for fools, either two-legged or four-legged. I miss her every single day.